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Our Busy Beginner Program for two-year-old children runs Mondays and Tuesdays from 9:00am-11:30am.
Our three- and four-year-old programs are as follows:
Our five day program runs Monday-Friday from 9:00am-12:00pm.
Our four day program runs Tuesday-Friday from 9:00am-12:00pm.
Our three day program runs Wednesday-Friday from 9:00am-12:00pm.
Our classes have a daily rotating schedule of Free-play including but not limited to: arts and crafts, manipulatives, blocks, cars/trucks, kitchen play, dolls and accessories, writing center, puzzles etc.; Art where the children are led in a teacher-guided art project; Snack, which we ask you to send in with your child and is nut-free; Music and Story, where we listen, discuss, move, sing and dance; Gym, on our playground or inside our spacious Fellowship Hall, and Discovery, where we explore different curriculum themes with hands-on activities.
Our Summer Program runs for the month of July, Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM. Each week has a theme (often times week 1 being America the Beautiful following Fourth of July), and the children enjoy water-play, sprinklers, indoor fun in our large air-conditioned classrooms, ice pop breaks and more!
Other Programs-
Throughout the school year we will announce separate programs that will run right after school. Science kids is offered for our four-year-old's where they bring in their lunch and do fun science experiments, and 'Kreative Kids'/3's Playgroup is offered to our three-year-old's where they bring in their lunch and do a special craft alongside their friends. Dates and more specifics regarding these programs will be sent out in the beginning of the school year.
Tell me more!
Christian Pre-School
43 Ashford Avenue, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Phone (914) 693-0026
Fax (914) 693-7731
To learn more about our program, complete the field below and we will reach out to schedule a convenient time to talk.