Dobbs Ferry Lutheran Church
DFLC Collections
DFLC collects the following items on a regular basis to be donated. Please bring to the church and place in their labeled bins located outside the church office anytime.
Food Pantry @ DFLC: Provided to Walk-Ins and Community Food Pantries
Some items especially asked for are: Pancake Mix and Syrup, Tuna, Diapers (sizes 4, 5, 6), Baby Wipes, Flour, Dried Black Beans, Lentils, Red Beans, Chickpeas, Oil, and Unsweetened Cereal (such as Cheerios). Also, any other canned and /or boxed foods are appreciated and welcomed.
Used Eyeglasses: Donated to “New Eyes for the Needy” to be recycled for use in developing countries.
Cancelled Stamps: Through The Leprosy Mission of Canada's effect: hope program, the sale of trimmed, postage stamps are used to help cure and care for persons with leprosy. Inspired by the compassion of Jesus, effect: hope works to free these children, women and men from the disease, disability and stigma caused by leprosy. Stamps should be trimmed to between 1/4 and 1/2 inch on each side. Thank you for contributing to this ministry.
Soda Cans: WELCA beverage container redemption. Rinsed containers can be brought to the church where they are then taken for a 5-cent redemption, and the money collected goes to WELCA Outreach projects.
DFLC Collections
DFLC collects the following items on a regular basis to be donated. Please bring to the church and place in their labeled bins located outside the church office anytime.
Food Pantry @ DFLC: Provided to Walk-Ins and Community Food Pantries
Some items especially asked for are: Pancake Mix and Syrup, Tuna, Diapers (sizes 4, 5, 6), Baby Wipes, Flour, Dried Black Beans, Lentils, Red Beans, Chickpeas, Oil, and Unsweetened Cereal (such as Cheerios). Also, any other canned and /or boxed foods are appreciated and welcomed.
Used Eyeglasses: Donated to “New Eyes for the Needy” to be recycled for use in developing countries.
Cancelled Stamps: Through The Leprosy Mission of Canada's effect: hope program, the sale of trimmed, postage stamps are used to help cure and care for persons with leprosy. Inspired by the compassion of Jesus, effect: hope works to free these children, women and men from the disease, disability and stigma caused by leprosy. Stamps should be trimmed to between 1/4 and 1/2 inch on each side. Thank you for contributing to this ministry.
Soda Cans: WELCA beverage container redemption. Rinsed containers can be brought to the church where they are then taken for a 5-cent redemption, and the money collected goes to WELCA Outreach projects.
Food Pantry - Donations Needed!
The Food Pantry has need of black beans and rice. Dobbs Ferry Food Pantry thanks you! Deacon Sharon
DFLC collects the following items on a regular basis to be donated. Please bring to church and place in their labeled bins located outside the church office anytime.
Food Pantry @ DFLC - Provide to Walk-Ins, Community
Some items especially asked for are pancake mix and syrup, tuna, diapers(sizes 4, 5, 6), baby wipes, flour, dried black beans, lentils, red beans,chickpeas oil, and unsweetened cereal (such as Cheerios).
Also any canned and/or boxed foods appreciated and welcome.
Used Eyeglasses -Donated to “New Eyes for the Needy” to be recycled for use in developing countries.
Cancelled Stamps - Through The Leprosy Mission Canada's effect: hope program, the sale of trimmed, postage stamps are used to help cure and care for someone with leprosy. Inspired by the compassion of Jesus, effect: hope works to free these children, women and men from the disease, disability and stigma caused by leprosy. Stamps should be trimmed to between 1/4 and 1/2 inch on each side. Thank you for contributing to this ministry.
Soda Cans -WELCA beverage container redemption. Rinsed containers can be brought to church for .05 redemption and money collected will go to WELCA Outreach projects.
Please help us beautify our Sanctuary for Easter. Please use the order form in the church bulletin or you can mail or email the information below to the church office:
Attn: Lisa McHugh
Name to appear in bulletin:______________________________________
Bulletin Inscription: _____________________________________________
6" Lilies ______________ # _____________________ $11.00
6" Tulips _____________ # _____________________ $ 8.50
6" Daffodils ____________ # _____________________$ 8.50
Make checks payable to Dobbs Ferry Lutheran Church. Please note "Easter Plants" in the notation section of your check. Please return to Lisa McHugh or place in her mailbox either in the church office or hallway mailboxes. Thank you. Last day to order will be Friday, April 5, 2020.
Soup & Supper
Wednesdays in March through Wednesday April 1
6:00 p.m.
Hospital Visits
If you or someone you know are currently in the hospital or will be admitted to the hospital please contact Pastor Marie so she is aware and can stay in touch with you and offer prayer and visitation. Please contact her at (716) 353-1610.